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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring has spung (FINALLY)

We're finally getting better weather! Ok, well it's still rainy and dreary outside but we left the heat off last night and when I woke up, I wasn't freezing. Whoo!

Yesterday was super nice out and little man enjoyed playing outside. Pictures to come soon.

Other than that, just been busy with school work and all that stuff. Will update more soon!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Haircut Hell

So Jayden had to have his haircut this week. It was a nightmare, as expected. A few days before, I started talking to him about it and he seemed fine. He remembered that the "hair cut lady" had lollipops and that seemed to make him happy.

We get to the salon and sit in the chair, and he immediately goes crazy.  You would swear she was cutting off his limbs and not just hair.

Sigh. But he needed it. These are the few times that I think having a girl would be easier. I'd just let the hair grow out.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Please vote for Jayden!

Hi Peeps. I have a little favor to ask you. I entered Jayden in Babycenter.com's "Babies in Green" photo contest. Stop by and vote for him:  Jayden

While you're there, upload your own cutie in a contest for a chance to win 25$!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Dear followers, random people on the internet, etc.,

Hiii! I'm bacck. I know, I know, you probably haven't even noticed since I'm one of 7563y7437436 mom bloggers on the web these days. And yes, I realize there is a "y" in that figure. Since not updating, I started a couple other projects, which honestly didn't do so well and well, that's why I'm back here. I love writing, need to write more, and the other projects I set up were just to time consuming for me to keep up on.

School is going well, except for algebra. But I suck in algebra so that's no shock.

I've got back into knitting, but I haven't actually made anything yet, just practicing stitches.

And, last but not least, I've become a Twi-hard. I loved the movie so much, I went and bought the books. I just finished New Moon. I'll start Eclipse sometime this week.

The little man is good, being a typical toddler and getting into trouble.

So, those are just some random updates. I'll be back soon!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What if this was YOUR child?

Ok peeps, I'm short on time here. I'll write more later on this story but PLEASE check out this facebook cause. A little boy is in need of a kidney. His family can use any type of support you have to give, whether it's emotional or monetary.

More to come later!

Friday, January 7, 2011

My poor Hubz !

My poor Hubz, I abandoned it. No, I'm not talking some cutesy name for FiancĂ©, calling him "hubby or hubz". Haha. That little box to your left, that says "Check out my Hubpages" but is empty.

Writing a Hub wouldn't be hard, I just haven't thought of a topic. I have a lot of ideas, just haven't put any into action yet. With school work, researching feels like my job already.

But I need to get my Hub going! So that will be a January goal - write at least one hub! I'll keep you updated!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

365 Days with Joel

Every so often, I come across a blog that reminds me how lucky I am to have had a healthy child. There is so much that can happen during pregnancy and childbirth, that even an uneventful pregnancy can end tragically. We need to all remember how special our children are.

 Recently, I came across a mom, Jessica, with a mission. Her mission? To have readers submit 365 pictures remembering her angel baby, Joel. Pictures are then posted to her blog, 365 Days with Joel.

So, I'm asking my readers to take a few minutes, check out this mom's blog, and help keep her son's memory alive. More details are available on her blog, in the FAQ post. Check it out!